Our New Dog Lexi

In October of 2016, we lost our sweet pup Jasper. I told my husband, Patrick that we should wait at least six months and then we could think of getting a new puppy. That was the plan, however plans change, especially when the heart becomes broken. Patrick was lost without his dog. That was his best buddy and my boy that I had loved unconditionally since the first time that I laid eyes on him. Then we heard about another dog who needed a home just like Jasper did at five weeks old. I wasn't ready for another dog yet, but Patrick fell in love with her from the start. I wanted to train a little puppy so we could have a dog with no issues. However, I found out that we all have issues of some sort including our dogs. So we met Lexi and the rest is history. Lexi needed a home and we learned quickly that we needed her as much as she needed us. Issues or not she is our dog for the duration of our lives or hers which ever comes first. She has had several different homes, but ours will be her forever home. Welcome home Lexi, we will always care for you and love you and in turn you will love us unconditionally as most dogs do. Thank you for being a part of our family.

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