Assessment In The Classroom Mackenzie Berg

Tell me and I'll forget.Teach me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll learn."

Assessing students oral proficiency and written communication

Oral Proficiency

  • (Speaking skills) narrating a picture story; role-plays; pair work information gap exchanges; discussions etc.
  • Observing: Keeping track of can dos during discussions using check list

* I chose these types of assessment because students are able to interact with others and I am able to see how the students interact and use discussion.

Written Communication

  • Looking at students written work
  • Structure, Style, and Content
  • Observing – how do they go about their writing? Our they using an organizational tool when writing

*I chose these strategies because when assessing students writing it is important to look at how they right. I chose observing because from looking at students writing you can see a lot. You can also discuss with students about why they wrote what they wrote.

Assessing Interpretive Skills:Reading and Listening


  • Retell what they read about to the teacher
  • Asking open ended questions about what they read?

Listening: Explaining what others have said

  • Transfer what was learned into reading or writing
  • Asking a question orally and having students answer on paper
  • Discussion circles:Assess for students who bring an idea to the circle, can relate or say something about someone else’s comment, asking a question to clarify or elaborate

*I chose these assessments because I think that listening skills are important and I think that discussions will help students to comprehend what they are hearing from others.

Quick and Effective types of Assessments

  • Observing throughout day/lesson
  • Exit ticket for end of day-what they learned (they can also ask questions they had)
  • Asking questions
  • Looking at student work

* I chose these assessments because I believe that they are quick, but effective assessments. Observing is simple, but you can learn a lot. Having an exit ticket is an easy way to have students let you know what they learned and they can also talk about what they are still confused on.

Effective end of unit assessments

  • Summative assessment
  • Project/Activity on what was learned in unit : hands- on students
  • Testing: students who are more logical based thinking
  • Dicussion with students one on one about what they learned: for students who are more vocal

* I chose these assessments because I think that it is important to use different types of assessments. Some students might not be good at test taking so you aren't going to want to use it all of the time. It is important to include others like discussions or a project to meet the needs of all students.

Performance Assessments

Performance assessments give students the chance to perform a task rather than taking a test. Students are able to use their many skills to find a solution to a real problem. They can use what they learned in the classroom and use it to relate to something outside the classroom. This will help students to understand that what they are learning can be used in everyday life. I will use this in my classroom because I think that it is important that students can relate to what they are learning and can make meaning of it instead of just memorizing or studying for test. They are able to learn interact with others and think more critically.

Assumptions about Assessments and impact on student learning

  • Important to use many types of assessment for different learning styles
  • Not just tests/quizzes
  • Assessments benefit all students
  • Important to keep students motivated to learn


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