Art Portfolio Created by: Kaitlyn vandervest

I didn't have much art experience before I took this class. This is my first year of high school art and projects that I actually really tried on. I plan on joining the Navy my senior year to be a medical officer and go through ROTC, which will pay for my 4-8 years of schooling needed for the career. I loved this class, especially when I was greatly motivated on a project, it's a great stress reliever. This semester, I learned how shading and value works to make art.

In the elements of art, I learned how space, shape, texture, form, lines, value, and color effect and change different pieces of art
The shape of the negative space really pulls out the right side of the deer head even with minimal detail
The before hand drawing
The after hand drawing. This drawing was challenging because the view finder kept moving and I had to keep restarting
Side profile piece
I would have to say, the stippling was in my top three favorite projects, even though it took forever to finish, I loved it
Still life piece
Although I didn't crosshatch in this, I think it still turned out okay. This is my moms favorite piece of mine. In this piece, I concentrated on the value and texture to create my animal
In this 2-point perspective piece, to get the smaller side of the treehouse, I needed to use the horizon line and vanishing point to create the illusion of the treehouse getting farther and farther away
The before self portrait piece
The after self portrait piece. What a difference! This is my favorite piece that turned out
This piece was my oil pastel practice. I like this piece more than how my actual oil pastel project is turning out. This piece blended better than my other flower. To get the deep and vibrant color, I had to apply heavy pressure and blend that together. To get the lighter colors, I applied light pressure and blended
My current oil pastel piece.

A really big challenge for me was my lack of motivation for some projects. If I didn't like how they were turning out, I had less and less motivation. Another challenge was using the view finder. I hated using it because it would always move and I had to restart. The projects I really enjoyed were the stippling, self portraits, and the oil pastels


Created with images by Pexels - "art black and white religion"

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