1.Tell me about yourself. Which three adjectives would you use to describe yourself and why? I am a thrilling, unpredictable, tense book. There really is never a boring part of me and you normally can't predict what will happen.

2. Where do you see yourself fitting in? Tell me about your genre. I see myself fitting in western style historical fiction

3.Where are you from? Tell me about your setting. I am from the Wild West Country town in Oklahoma

4. Though we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, the truth is looks are important. What makes you attractive and interesting to look at? Honestly A lot of people probably wouldn't want me. Based on my looks. But if you like cowboys and Wild West settings then you are in the right place.

5. Tell me something that makes you unique. Out of all the books on the shelf, what makes you stand out? I think I stand out from all the other books because you don't see much anymore about the Wild West and cowboys which is what makes me unique.

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