Nazca Lines

Have you ever wondered the mystery of the Nazca Lines and how it was created? The Nazca Lines are animals that have straight lines that go on for miles. The Nazca Lines are located in Nazca, Peru. They are also intriguing because no one knows how they were created. In 1927 a Peruvian archaeologist Toribio Mejia Xesspe first spotted them while hiking. The Nazca lines is a huge mystery of how they were created.

Many people believe that aliens created the Nazca Lines. Erich Van Daniken first thought that the plateaus, where the Nazca Lines are, seemed really flat and looked like an aircraft runway. He thinks that it was was a runway for landing spacecrafts of beings from outer space. Another part of the theory, is of an astronaut waving to aliens. Another fact of the Nazca Lines is that you can only see it from above and the Incas didn’t have that kind of technology during that time period. People say they have found skulls that are different than a human skull. There is also another theory that Nephilim Giants created the Nazca lines. I have some reasons to believe this theory. You can only see the Nazca Lines from above. So, the giants were able to see because of how tall they were, but I still wouldn’t know why they would create the Nazca Lines. That is one of my reasons why I don’t believe that the Nephilim Giants created the Nazca Lines. The ground is covered with red dust and rocks so when you move them it makes a light color under so that's how you can see the Nazca Lines. It hasn’t rained in Nazca, Peru for many years. There are many believers that the Nazca Lines have been created by extraterrestrial life. The Nazca Lines are very interesting because no one knows how they were created and why. People also find it weird how the rubble of the plateaus are nowhere to be found and the top layer is so flat and smooth. The Nazca Lines have been a mystery for over 80 years. People believe that aliens took pictures of these animals and printed them into the surface of Nazca, Peru. Many people believe that aliens did many mysteries but never have found the actual answer. Aliens are a big part of this mystery because there are facts that fit with that theory. The Nazca Lines were first discovered in the early 1900s. Scholars believe that the Nazca Lines were created in between 500 b.c and 500 a.d. The Nazca Lines are a big mystery of why or who created them and what they mean. Another theory is that the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca Culture because they were related to rain and wanted the water gods to help them. There are ups and downs of this theory. Anyone can believe any theory they believe because no one knows who or why created the Nazca Lines and if they also created or did some of the world's biggest mysteries. Aliens are not just part of this mystery they are also part of many other mysteries throughout the world. Aliens could be the creator of the Nazca Lines, but we won’t find out until someone finds real facts and knows 100% of why and who created the Nazca Lines. Nazca, Peru is in the middle of a desert and it hasn’t rained there for years. When the Nazca Lines were first discovered they interested many people of why or who created the Nazca Lines.

Have you ever wondered the mystery of Nazca Lines and how it was created? The Nazca Lines have more than one theory of how they were created. The second theory of how the Nazca Lines were created are that the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca Culture or the Incas. The Nazca Lines are animals that are in the ground. People believe that the Incas created the Nazca Lines because they thought they would get rain from the water gods.

These animals are related to water. The Nazca Culture was serious about farming and if you are serious about farming you have to be serious about water. It hasn’t rained in Nazca for decades. People in the Nazca Culture were born into having to sacrifice their lives. The Nazca Culture is also known for headhunting. They would collect trophy heads by slicing the head right off the body with an obsidian knife. Then the base of the skull was broken away and the soft tissue was removed from the head. They would drill a hole in the center of the forehead so they could put a rope through it and hang them for trophies for war. The lips were also pinned shut. They would also stuff them with cloths and vegetable. The Heads were considered as trophy heads for their victory in war. John Reinhard says that “Our discoveries clearly showed that the straight lines and trapezoids are related to water but not used to find water, but rather used in connection with rituals.

I believe that the Nazca Lines were created by the Incas because it makes sense to me why they would create the Nazca Lines. I believe that they would create the Nazca Lines because they wanted water because they were very serious about farming. I do believe some parts of the theory that Aliens created the Nazca Lines. I believe that it is kinda odd that the land is really flat and how the rubble is nowhere to be found. I would believe it more if there was a little more water by the Nazca Lines because erosion would take away the rubble and make the surface more flat. I believe the Inca theory more because of some of the evidence that has been shown. It is odd though how the Incas would have been able to make straight lines that go on for miles and how you can only see the Nazca Lines from air. If Aliens did make the Nazca Lines what was their purpose of creating the Nazca Lines. One part that makes me believe that the Nazca Lines were created by the Nephilim Giants or Aliens is how their have been different skulls than a human skull. I believe that the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca Culture because the reason why they did if they did create the Nazca Lines is believe able. It makes more sense of why they did create the Nazca Lines because it hasn’t rained in Nazca, Peru for decades and they were really serious about farming. If it hasn’t rained in Nazca, Peru for decades why did the Incas still want to be serious about farming. That is one part that I don’t understand of why the Nazca Culture was still very serious about farming. That is why I believe the Incas created the Nazca Lines. That is also what many people believe that the Incas created the Nazca Lines.

It is important to know about the Nazca Lines because there are many mysteries in the world that are still unknown. They are very interesting though and some of the theories that grab your attention and want to make you want to learn more about the topic. They also want to make you want to find out the correct answer. They can also be a threat to you if something else is created that can be harmful.The Nazca Lines could put a big impact on everyone if they believe that aliens created the Nazca Lines it could possibly put fear in their eyes. If you believe in the Inca theory it could interest you and help you learn on how they lived during their time period. You should care about this because it is a mystery that could possibly be harmful because if who ever create the Nazca lines is harmful they can possibly create something or do something that can be a threat to the world. Do you like the Nazca Lines well I do too?


Created with images by Ivan Mlinaric - "Nazca Lines, Headless Bird" • Christian Bellazzi - "Nazca Lines (Pérou)" • stephendotcarter - "Alien"

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