Support the ratification of the Constitution By: Alysha Fujihara, Amanda Echeverria, Adrianna SaLGado 3B

Slogan: I got 99 problems but your debt ain't one.

Reason 1: The Federalist argued that the Constitution would create a national government that was strong enough to unite the quarreling states into a single republic (TCI 15).

Reason 2: They showed how the Constitution would remedy those weaknesses by creating a stronger, more effective union of the states (TCI 15).

Reason 3: The Federalist leaders also addressed the fears of many Americans that a strong government would threaten their freedom or take away their rights. The powers given to the government, they pointed out, were strictly limited. In addition, those powers were divided among three branches so that no one branch could become to powerful (TCI 15).


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