Launching the TTT Business Seminar by max el-hag

The last decade in the fitness market has been an exciting, paradigm shifting time for many people. The explosion of CrossFit™ has brought many fitness professionals into the world of entrepreneurship. In the beginning, it didn’t require that much knowledge of either training or business to thrive as a small gym. The landscape has shifted though, and opening a gym is a much more difficult task now. Many gym owners I’ve spoken to are desiring to upgrade their business models, many young driven fitness professionals are chomping at the bit to earn their independence in the industry, and many advanced gyms are trying to figure out the current trends so they can properly launch their next iterations of services, and maintain their spots as innovators.

I have been watching these trends and having discussions with my coaches, my clients, and attendees of my seminars to figure out if there was a way I could help solve these problems for the market. We are launching this free business seminar as an opportunity for people to get some further information and direction on business development in the market. Below is an outline that the course follows so you can determine if this product is suitable for your needs as a business owner and keep a lookout on our social media in the next week for the launch of the product!

Business Seminar Outline

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Business Development

V - 2 Introduction to Business Development

V - 3 Business planning and gym models

V - 4 Loans and the business of securing of capital

V - 5 Marketing Concepts

V - 6 Accounting

V - 7 Basic Excel Business Model

Section 3 - Tips from successful gym owners

V - 8 Introduction

V - 9 Pricing

V - 10 Culture building

V - 11 Retail

V - 12 Tips Conclusion

Section 4 - Training and training philosophy intro

V - 13 Introduction

V - 14 Time management

V - 15 Your own training

V - 16 Program design introduction (6 major principles)

V - 17 Training Conclusion

Section 5 - Conclusion

~ Max

Created By
Max El-Hag



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