School Uniforms school uniforms are both impactful in academics but limit student's freedom of speech.


Academics- What you learn in school and how you can apply in the real world.

Correlation- When two things are similar

Curb- Trying to stay away from something dangerous

Discussed- Speaking throughly about a subject

Individuals- People who are by themselves

Restricting- Holding something back or not letting something in.

Does school uniforms actually help out with academics and school attendance?

While many people have no idea if school uniforms actually help out with student’s academics. Statistics show that they do help out with academics for example A bulletin published by the National Association of Secondary School Principals stated that "When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork." This will make them focus as well help with school participation as well. According to a recent stat Middle/High school girls in a study of a large urban school district (LUSD) in Texas saw an increase in attendance rates after a uniform policy was implemented. This shows that uniforms do have a positive correlation to attendance. Which leads to reasons on why people do not support school uniforms?

Why do the majority of students oppose school uniforms?

While many people have believed school uniforms are beneficial. Students have said they opposed this because of the lack of freedom of expression students have wearing at school. For example, The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. Supporters use this to show that everyone in the United States can express their individuality. Due to this people fight against school uniforms according to the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, which also stated that "allowing students to choose their clothing is an empowering message from the schools that a student is a maturing person who is entitled to the most basic self-determination." This shows that school uniforms are ultimately restricting the basic american right for freedom of speech. This is a great reason on why people oppose school uniforms but how do the uniforms impact us economically?

How expensive are school uniforms?

First of all school uniforms can be expensive for example Stephanie Meul a parent of four spent $391 on updating uniform items for her children. She purchased two pairs of shorts, six polo shirts and one polar fleece. As you can see she spends a lot on school uniforms every year for her children especially for a family of four. According to a stat by the average annual cost to parents for school uniforms is about $249. This is highly expensive for families are poor and their are cheaper options if their were no school uniforms and is taking the average from the cost of school uniforms across the nation so the amount of money people spend is ridiculously high for families with multiple kids. So even if school uniforms are expensive what are the pros to these uniforms?

Why do people support the use of school uniforms?

The majority of people who support school uniforms are the parents this is due to the fact that they feel like they help kids academically and keep kids in check in school. For example, also in that LUSD, students in grades 1-5 saw significant test score increases in the years following uniforms. This shows that uniforms have a positive impact on scores which makes parents very happy. “School uniforms are one step that may help break the cycle of violence, truancy and disorder by helping young students understand what really counts is what kind of people they are," Clinton said. It didn't take much more than this presidential nod of approval to get the uniform ball rolling in many school districts across the country. This shows that Bill Clinton is an avid supporter because it helps steer kids away from violence. If school uniforms can curb violence and poor grades then uniforms are highly supported by parents. This is a great reason on why school uniforms can be healthful with all this discussion going on has there been any recent events at all?

Has there been any reform on school uniforms lately and what are their effects on students?

The topic of school uniforms has been much discussed throughout the years however has their actually been any change in any schools because of debates of school uniforms?. According to a stat by In Long Beach CA in 1995 they implemented school uniforms and they had 91% decrease in crime rate. This shows that there has been positive reform in effects of school uniforms. Also Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, when she was a 2008 US presidential candidate, advocated school uniforms as a way to help students focus on learning: "Take that [clothing choices] off the table and put the focus on school, not on what you're wearing." This shows that an important politician supports school uniforms and connects to the other statistic because it helps students focus on learning and not on anything else like crime.


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