Andrey Nikolaychuk Period 4

In this we took 5 pictures holding the camera still and put them together in photo shop
This was a tutorial I did in class and I picked Seattle to be in the background because Seattle is one of my favorite places to be. I had to add two layers of the background and add the text.
In this picture we were trying to do the freeze motion
I took this picture for a photo challenge and added more color to the leaves and bushes.
I really like this picture because it looks cool and its fun to do. You have to be in a dark room and have your camera shutter open for how long it takes you to draw whatever you need with a flashlight.

I take these pictures because I like to see what kind of ideas I can come up with and what I can do with them in photo shop. What inspires me to take some of my pictures is things I like to do or places I like to be. These pictures represent some of my hobby's like shoes. there really nothing special about my pictures I just like to take pictures of nature or parkour. These pictures just are a memory and also my grade.

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