Assessment and the use of Mobile Devices Valencia 31st March, 1st & 2nd April 2017 - SANTIAGO ORDEJÓN ZUCKERMAIER

Thank God it's....



Workshop website with links to resources and sessions overview (Google Sites)
Session times
Twitter Ok , voice calls K.O.
Emergency exits
coffee breaks

Structure of this Workshop

  1. Theoretical framework
  2. Observation
  3. Inquiry
  4. Performance
  5. Performance analysis
  6. Gamification and assessment
  7. Assessment strategies

Aims and objectives of this weekend.

What do you expect and what would you like to take home from this weekend?

Warming-up activity (10 minutes aprox.)

write approximately three aims or objectives on a post-it, followed by two ways how you will know when you have achieved them.

Friday evening

Session One

Introduction activity: What's in a name?

Activity 1: People Bingo (10 minutes aprox.)

Acrivity 2: Poll Everywhere (5 minutes aprox.)

Now, let's make some groups:

  • go into groups of 3 or 4
  • please, try to go into groups of colleagues of your same subject and/or level
  • you will work in these groups today in all the group activities

Activity 3: Kahoot!, individual activity (10 minutes aprox.)

A good fisherman does not use the bait HE likes, but the one the fish likes.

Types of assessment

Diagnostic: Why? When? And then?

Formative: Why? When? And then?

Summative: Why?

Previous planning: Strategy (backwards planning)

  • diagnostic
  • formative
  • summative

Who evaluates?

  • internal assessment: Self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, teacher assessment?
  • external assessment
  • mixed assessment

Assessment Techniques: informal or formal?

formative assessment dynamics

Revision activity: Nearpod in groups

Observation Techniques (Group activity)

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4

Learning Logs / Diaries

Learner or Learning diaries are sistematic and regular records of what has happened in the classroom and they include reflection by the authors.
  • Students record their personal experience and feelings about the activities done in class, the unit or project they are working on at the moment.
  • objective: they reflect on their learning process, difficulties and their steps in order to overcome them
  • teachers have to check the students' progress regularly
  • Assessment: checklists , rubrics, performance scales
Different options to create diaries

Attitude scales
  • used when it is difficult to measure an item with only one attribute
  • sometimes it is impossible to capture the complete picture with one overall question
Different options to create attitude scales

Anecdotal register
Different options to create anecdotal registers

Learning Diary
  • A Learning Diary is a log or record or journal of your own work based learning in a learning process.
  • It helps you to record, structure, think about, reflect upon, plan, develop and evidence your own learning process
  • it is a journal which evidences your own learning and skills development
  • it is a record of what you have learnt, tried and critically reflected upon
  • Source:
Did it go well? Why? What did you learn? Did it go badly? Why? What did you learn? How can you improve for next timeDid it go well? Why? What did you learn? Did it go badly? Why? What did you learn? How can you improve for next time?
Different options to create learning diaries

Final activity for today:

Create a learning diary of today's session.
  • Use one of these two tools to create your diary
  • You will have to share your diary in our Moxtra group at the end of the activity.
Share it in our group, please.


Session 2

Inquiry techniques

Tool1 : Google Forms

Step by step walk-through to create a self-assessment form with GoogleForms
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Useful add-ons to Google Forms: Advanced Summary by Awesome Table

  • Create a Google Forms document with 5 questions on observation techniques and inquiry techniques.
  • Share it in our Moxtra group.
  • Answer to one form shared by a colleague.

Tool 2: Plickers

Plickers is a classroom response app that teachers can use easily without havin devices for each student

Tool 3: Socrative

Another interesting approach to check your students understanding can be

Open the Socrative Student app or go to the Socrative Homepage.

Enter the room: LNCSANTIAGO and let's play!

Other tool to create quick and effective formative assessment.

Session 3: Performance techniques

Assessment methods: rubrics,checklists and evaluation dartboards

Portfolio / ePortfolio

Leonardo daVinci's Portfolio!
It is a tool which gives you an overview of all of the students' work of the term/course.
You therfore have evidence of the student's effort, abilities and learning progress over the established time.
You are then able to show and assess the student's learning progress and final product of his work. Moreover, the student can reflect on his own work with a portfolio.

The portfolio is not a random collection of student's work, but a carefully curated collection of student's work.

It might include:

  • artistic pieces of work
  • exams
  • projects
  • lab reports
  • exercises
  • drafts
  • etc.

Student reflection sheet examples:

How would you analyse an ePortfolio?

evaluation rubric for ePortfolios
some tips

Tools 1: Google Sites

open a new Google sites
change the title
DOuble-click in order to get to the context menu
Add content
Edit the amount of pages of your site

Only drawback with Google Sites: You can not edit the site from the iPad.

Tools 2: Trello

Trello is built around the Kanban method, a system used to increase efficiency and productivity in teams. The Kanban method involves a visual process that outlines the incremental steps needed to take place for a task to be completed. (SAMUEL)


  • You can manage a PBL structure very well with this programme
  • You can invite all of your students to one board or copy the same board several times and invite just some students or groups to a board.
  • The students can create a very individual and creative product
  • self-pased learning
  • very interesting in PBL and Flipped Classroom evironments


  • You take some time to create the "washing line" guide lists for your students.
  • The students take some sessions to get used to this method
  • depending on the students' age you might have to guide them more or less and therefor it all comes down to the previous organization of the board.
Several options to take into account

Graphic organizers

Concept map
  • Can be assessed by check lists and rubrics
  • help you not only to evaluate the final product, but also to register and evaluate the student's learning process.

Session 4: Performance assessment

There are several options to check a student's performance. These formative assessment techniques should be used throughout your assessment strategie in order to be able to give a proper feedback to the student.

Check lists

A checklist is a tool for identifying the presence or absence of conceptual knowledge, skills, or behaviours.

Checklists are used for identifying whether key tasks in a procedure, process, or activity have been completed. (

You can check content,abilities or attitudes and it can be quantitative or qualitative.

Primary and Secondary check list
EY check list
EY or PY check list

Check lists can also be used in peer- and sel-assessment!

Rating scales

A rating scale is a tool used for assessing the performance of tasks, skill levels, procedures, processes, qualities, quantities, or end products, such as reports or drawings.

These are judged at a defined level within a stated range. Rating scales are similar to checklists except that they indicate the degree of accomplishment rather than just yes or no.

Evaluation dartboard

Can be used to assess the student's attitude and participation in a group work.

Evaluation dartboards are a great way to enhance your rubrics in a more visual way.


How to create an evaluation dartboard?


A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students' work that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria.

"Rubrics can teach as well as evaluate. When used as part of a formative, student-centered approach to assessment, rubrics have the potential to help students develop understanding and skill, as well as make dependable judgments about the quality of their own work." (

Rubrics descibe different levels of achievement of a student in a specific task, process or final project.

The aim is to inform the student of the development of his work and an detailed assessment of his/her final product.

IMPORTANT: the students have to receive the rubrics at the beginning of the unit!

However, a rubric is not the Holy Grail! You can not evaluate everything with it.

You will have to decide what to assess first and then create a rubric which assesses exactely these points.

How do we distribute the rubrics to our students???????

My two cents would be to use your LMS in order to distribute your rubrics to your students.

If this is not possible you can use Google Drive and a free app calles ExplainEverything to quickly assess a rubric and distribute them.

First, you would have to create individual student folders in your Google Drive.

How to:

Option B) You fill in this Google Sheets template by Alice Keeler ( @alicekeeler )

Option B) You create them one by one in your Drive and share the individual foders with your students.

Be aware to use the right permission for EVERY folder!

Then you import the rubric in PDF into ExplainEverything!

You mark it in ExplainEverything and upload it DIRECTLY into the student's private folder.

Another option to share rubrics with your students:

CoRubrices is a Google sheets add-on which helps you create rubrics, distribute them to your students via mail, receive the results autonatically, resend the rubric if necessary and gives you even the option ti create self-assessment and peer-evaluation rubrics for your students.
  • You need a Google account to use CoRubrics.
  • The students do not need one, but you need your students' mail addresses.
  • You need a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) account to be able to use all of CoRubrics features as your students would then have an account with the same domain.

Session 5: Gamification and assessment

Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as social impact challenges. (Kevin Werbach)
It is a tool which uses the game-based psychology, its mechanics and dynamics in non-game-based envireonments like school.

This means you create content, units and activities which are based on gaming!

But, wait! You are just creating a GAME!! Where is the difference to a normal game??


1st: Planning

2nd: Mechanics of the game

3rd: Rewards/Feedback

By providing a tangible symbol of achievement, badges and rewards can be very effective in celebrating certain student accomplishments, and can be a great tool for raising student confidence. (TeachThought)
Possible reward system EY and Primary/Secondary
Example of ClassCraft rewards

4th: Challenges

In order to get points, students have to overcome obstacles called challenges.

Challenges might be for instance:

  • all homework done well
  • neat notebooks
  • the student achieves a better mark than in the previous test
  • answer a question in class correctly
  • try hard to overcome an obstacle even if the students does not achieve it
  • the first three studetns in a Kahoot, Flipquiz or Socrative Race
  • hand in extra exercises done in order to do revision
  • .......

5th: creating and maintaining the "flow"

click on the link below for more information

Different platforms to create a game-based environment

Both platforms give you the oportunity to create a virtual reality in which you can include your subject content and award students for theit effort with real-life prices. (more so in ClassCraft)
ClassDojo is a behaviour management tool for the classroom. Each student has a profile – complete with their own avatar – to which teachers can assign positive and negative points (or 'dojos') throughout the lesson. (The Guardian)

Other methods to create game-based content:

Session 6: Assessment strategy

Why do I need one?

It is an action plan to evaluate students' progress, detect their weaknesses and strengths and therefor be able to intervene in their learning process.

So, what do I have to take into account?

What, how and when am I going to evaluate their learning process.They

My strategies are the activities I create and the students do in order to get to a certain goal.

Let's try it!
This can help you to organize the different assessment tools needed.

Try to check in one of your own units/projects which type of assessment you have thought of, which strategy you have planned and try to readjust your assessment.

Then, upload your suggestion(s) into our Moxtra group, please.

Created By
Santiago Ordejon


Created with images by flickingerbrad - "student ipad 013" • Pexels - "apple iphone mobile phone" • paul bica - "long way down" • Skitterphoto - "binoculars dusk sunset" • TeroVesalainen - "question mark hand drawn solution" • Matthew Crisp - "Delegation Checklist"

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