NEWMAC in the making

Let's start from the beginning back in 1984.....

The original NEW6 logo (1984-1987)

In 1984-85 the New England Women's 6 (NEW6) was formed with Babson College, Brandeis University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Smith College, Wheaton College, and Wellesley College.

1985-86 was the first year of NEW6 regular season and championship competition in cross country and basketball.

1986-87 was the first year of NEW6 regular season competition in volleyball.

In 1987-88, with the addition of Mount Holyoke College and Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), the conference changes its name to the New England Women's 8 (NEW8).

The original NEW8 logo (1987-1998)

1990-91 was the first year of NEW8 regular season competition in lacrosse.

1991-92 was the first year of NEW8 championship in rowing.

1992-93 was the first year of NEW8 championship in lacrosse.

1993-94 was the first year of NEW8 track and field championship.

In the 1995-96 Academic Year, Clark University joined the NEW 8 conference for women's sports.

The original NEWMAC logo (1998-2016)

In 1998-99 the NEW8 expands its membership to include Springfield College and the United States Coast Guard Academy. The conference changes its name to the New England Women's and Men's Athletic Conference. NEWMAC begins sponsoring regular season and championship competitions for men.

The NEWMAC established a conference office in September, 2003 and has grown to a full staff of three employees today.

In the 2013-14 Academic Year, Emerson College becomes the 11th member of the NEWMAC.

On June 7, 2016 the NEWMAC unveiled the visual identity and rebrand of the conference logo.

The official visual identity of the NEWMAC - Spring 2016.
The official extended primary visual identity mark.
The official secondary visual identity mark.

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