Constitution Curation By: Calvin Kontos

Legislative branch

The legislative branch is the branch the branch that writes the laws. It is the only branch that has two bodies of people who run it. The House of Representatives and the senate. Some powers the legislative branch has is the congress can impeach the president and mebers of the Supreme Court, can override vetoes written by the president, and the congress can approve or reject the Supreme Court nominee.

The House of Representatives is 435 elected members, and depending on the population of the state, that's how many representatives the state has. Members of the House are elected every two years, must be 25 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and live in the state they represent.

The Senate is composed of 100 Senators, 2 for each state. The Senate is elected six-year terms by the people of each state. You have to be 30 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, and love in the state you represent.

Executive branch

The president has the power for this branch. It is there job to enforce the laws written congress. The Vice President is also part of this branch along with the cabinet and independent federal agencies. Some powers that the executive branch is that the president can veto bills writen by the congress, can call a special meeting of congress, and can nominate Supreme Court justices.

The President and Vice President are part of this branch along with the presidents cabinet. The cabinet is made of 15 people who are in charge of 15 major departments of the government. You have to be a natural born citizen, 35 years old to be a part of this branch, and the people elect the President and the President appoints the Vice President and cabinet.

The judicial branch

This is the only branch that gets appointed. The Supreme Court mebers are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Some powers that the branch has are the Supreme Court can reject laws written by the Congress, declare if an executive action is constitutional or not, and can send a criminal to jail.

There's 92 District Court, 12 Courts of Appeals, and one Supreme Court. The people of the Supreme Court serve for life and there is no age limit, although you do need to be a judge. Which means you need 8-10 years of college.


Federalism is a system of government that divides up the power form the national government, to the states. This is why vermont doesn't have billboards, or has good environmental laws. Like Mr.B said, Government is like a cake. you have the counties government, then at the top you have the federal government. Vermont is a small state, but that still doesn't stop it from having it's own government. Thanks to federalism, all states have there own branches of government to make the laws.

Checks and Balances

Checks and Balances is a system so that the government is controlled. The system of checks and balances is used to keep the government from getting too powerful in one branch. One branch has power over another, while the other branch has power back. So that way, one part of the government doesn't have power over the other. Some checked and balences between the branches are…

Executive: 1. the president can veto bills written by the legislative branch. 2. Also, the president has to appoint the judges of the Supreme Court.

Legislative: 1. the congress can impeach the president. 2. the congress has to approve Supreme Court Justices.

Judicial: 1. the Supreme Court can reject laws written by the congress. 2. the Supreme Court can declare executive actions unconstitional.

A real world example of checks and balances is nature. Mother Nature divides the powers so everyone has a chance. For example, cats need to be able to catch their pray so they have good hearing. But to make sure the mice/rodents have a chance, they have eyes on the side of their head so they can see from all sides.

How the president is elected

This is how the president and the vice president is elected. First, all members of the senate and house of representatives get together. Then, all the people (of the senate and house) cast their votes. After that, the president of the house gets up and reads the votes. Whoever gets the most votes is the new president. The same thing happens with the vice president, only in a different ballet but same system.


Created with images by Unsplash - "flag patriotism stripes" • Andrew Choy - "White House" • Beverly & Pack - "Public Domain, American Flag, Old Glory, Red White Blue, Stars & Stripes, The Star Spangled Banner" • werner22brigitte - "mount rushmore national monument south dakota georg"

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