
skylar's photovoice profolio

week one

vertical: me in front of a window in the morning
picture of a familiar object
horizontal: media arts keyboard

week 2

snapshot of my cousin Cherie
portrait of me in my barbecue becky halloween costume

week 3

friendship has no race- I would change the background to all white
black representation in literature

week 4

My message for my image with my fist in front of the bookcase full of books represents the lack of black representation in literature. The only time is see black people in my book is when cultural unit or a civil rights unit. I never read about black people in sci-fi, or fairytale, or a book about black people going through life. Instead we see the Klu Klux Klan and their hate towards black people.

week 5

I changed my photo

week 6

My message for my image with my fist in front of the bookcase full of books represents the lack of black representation in literature. The only time is see black people in my book is when cultural unit or a civil rights unit. I never read about black people in sci-fi, or fairytale, or a book about black people going through life. Instead we see the Klu Klux Klan and their hate towards black people.

Created By
Skylar Y

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