Openness in Creative Reading by Klaudia Vincze

After reading the two excerpts last week, I began to think a lot about the importance of taking multiple perspectives into account when reading and researching. In the “Reflecting” excerpt, Helen Keller’s experience at the water pump is communicated by seven different authors, each offering a unique viewpoint on the incident. It is up to the reader to decide if they agree with one version more than the others, but each viewpoint contributes something that the others do not. I related this part of the reading to one specific habit of mind, openness, or “the willingness to consider new ways of being and thinking in the world". This habit of mind is so important in creative reading because some of the most important conclusions can only be drawn after all sides are analyzed.

For my video, I decided to record a simple event (a trip to the grocery store), divide it into segments, and arrange the segments all out of order. Each separate clip by itself provides some insight into what is going on, but in order to get the full story the viewer must see all of the clips together. For example, someone looking at just one or two clips may just see some people grocery shopping. After watching all the clips, however, inferences can be drawn on the location of the event (Walmart), the purpose of the event (purchasing ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs), and the overall tone of the video.

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