Life in Williamsburg through Marquis de Lafayette

The big boat over their is called the Susan Constant. She was in a group with other two boats called the Godspeed and the Discovery. This ship brought 53 people to Virginia soon to be called Jamestown. It took about 4 months for it to get to Virginia. Down under the ship was probobly very dirty and grimy because no one cleaned down their.

The rope with a triangle led on the bottom. Is called a led line sinker. It tells people on the boat how deep the water is so the boat wont get stuck or even wrecked. O

Today I Marquis De Lafayette went to the Blacksmith. As I entered the shop the musty smell of horse and smoke filled my nostrils. Added to that the smoke made my eyes sting and made the a bit teary but I did not let a tear roll down my face for I am a gentry and I must stay strong. In this specific shop you can get certain items and get things that are made with iron fixed. You can get swords ( made or fixed ), rakes, labels, spoons, tongs, shovels, tools, and door hinges. Today I'm getting my sword fixed for a man like me to have a broken sword displayed in his home is unheard of. You wouldn't necessarily order a commodity from this shop you would either get something fixed or if the didn't have it in stores ask them to make you your entity.

Today is another day in Williamsburg and I visited the extravagant house of the fair Betty Randolph. My favorite room in the house would be the be the dinning room of course with all the foods. The stak and kidney pie is one of my favorites and it is expertaly made you can see it on the table. You may also tell the are wealthier because you can see the expensive china plates. Since they are of the upperclass I can say for sure that their slaves no what to serve and how to serve it. It would be very bad for them to serv a peasants dinner, but they always outdo themselves. Though I'm not staying in this house I will be resigning to the house across the street. I love to come and visit the Fair and impressive Randloph's

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