10 Things I Know Now Fat, Sick,& nearly dead

1. Joe's film has been seen by more then 20 million people around the world.

2.He was depressed for a good month because his heart breaker didn't heal.

3. Joe was what he called " Rebooting" for 40 days. He'd drink fresh vegetable and fruit juice.

4. During his procedure Joe's body mass changes two months earlier.

5.when Joe got back to the u.s. he put together a team to help him lose more then 200 pounds by rebooting.

6.When he stepped on a scale for the first time he knew he was overweight, and it calculated to be about 400 pounds.

7. Whenever he went inside a fast food place, he'd hope no one would recognize him from his movie.

8. Lots of people would message him off of Facebook and wish they were like him. So that's where he got the idea of making a documentary.

9. When you get bit my a mosquito it lets your brain know. You should also wash your hands at it happens because you can get in the habit of scratching it.

10.He ate fast food almost everyday when he got to America.


Created with images by uwlideas - "#Food" • uwlideas - "#Food"

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