San Francisco The City of brotherly love

The Golden Gate Bridge
Check out these amazing spots in San Francisco

Twin Peaks is a must-see stop on your tour of San Francisco. Why? The view, the view, the view. This set of high peaks is located near the geographical center of the city, offering stunning 360-degree panoramic views of this beautiful city and the bay and ocean beyond. And you might be surprised to find that it offers a few other things to you as well.

The San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge (known locally as the Bay Bridge) is a complex of bridges spanning San Francisco Bay in California. As part of Interstate 80 and the direct road between San Francisco and Oakland, it carries about 240,000 vehicles a day on its two decks. It has one of the longest spans in the United States.

The Palace of Fine Arts in the Marina District of San Francisco, California, is a monumental structure originally constructed for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition in order to exhibit works of art presented there. One of only a few surviving structures from the Exposition, it is still situated on its original site. It was rebuilt in 1965, and renovation of the lagoon, walkways, and a seismic retrofit were completed in early 2009.

Lombard Street


Created with images by Kevitivity - "San Francisco Cityscape" • Unsplash - "golden gate bridge california bridge" • Koshyk - "Crooked Street, San Francisco" • tpsdave - "at t park san francisco california" • Unsplash - "tower buildings structure" • Darshan Simha - "San Francisco" • pixel2013 - "san francisco oakland bay bridge" • Darshan Simha - "San Francisco" • Unsplash - "city downtown urban" • contemplicity - "San Francisco" • Koshyk - "Crooked Street, San Francisco"

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