
David Brainerd A Life of Dedication and Perseverance

David Brainerd was a man of perserverance and commitment to God. He showed compassion to the American Indians of the Northeast and faithfulness to God, as he shared the gospel of Jesus Christ as his life's work.

David was born the third son of Molly and Hezikah Brainerd on April 20, 1718. He was born in Haddom, Connecticut.

David's father was the King's council for the Connecticut colony. His grandfather, Reverand Hobart, on his mothers side, was a pastor in England. David grew up with a heritage of ministers in his family and devotion to the Lord from the time of his birth.

David was one of nine children. Both his mother and father died in 1732, leaving him an orphan. He lived with his sister, Jerusha, from ages 15 to 19. David was known to be a melancholy and sedate young man. He expressed concern for his soul at a very young age.

We don't know about David Brainerd's childhood education. However, when David was 21 he began to attend Yale University. He wanted to become a minister.

There was a spiritual revival on the campus while he attended Yale. Unfortunately, as a junior, David was expelled because he was overheard making a comment about a professor in private.

His expulsion was devastating to David. He desperately wanted to be a pastor, but now his dreams were crushed. God had other plans to use David for his glory and purposes.

David Brainerd never married but lived his life pursuing the calling God placed on his life. David was a sickly young man. He caught measles attending Yale. He also began spitting up blood; early signs of tuberculosis. He was betrothed to a young lady named Jerusha Edwards. Unfortunately he died before they could marry. She died four months after He did from tuberculosis. She was the daughter of a famous man of God, Jonathan Edwards.

David Brainerd was raised in a Christian home, and early on in his life, he realized his sinfulness. He didn't accept salvation at this young age, though. He also struggled as a teenager with the concept of grace. He realized he was trusting in works for his salvation.

David was already studying to be a minister before he accepted Christ as Savior. It wasn't until David was 21 and attending Yale that he finally surrendered his life fully to Christ. July 22, 1739 was the day he was saved.

David Brainerd began his missionary work among the American Indians when he was 24. He first began working with the Stockbridge Indians in Massachusetts. He began a school for the children, and, with an interpreter, preached to adults.

He worked and lived there for a year. He lived in a log room and ate boiled corn and bread baked in ashes. It was a very difficult life.

After a year in Massachusetts, David felt led to move his ministry to the Indians of Easton Pennsylvania. It was a long journey to the Delaware River. And David rode on horseback to reach his destination. In May 1744 he began his time among the Susquehanna Indians.

His greatest success was with the Indians of Crossweeksung. He was well received by the Indians and usually taught them at the chief's home. There were 77 Indians baptized in one year, and by the end of his mission there were 130 people attending the assembly.

David's health continued to decline as he spent many hours on horseback traveling to share the gospel with various groups of Indians. Brainerd did not take great care of himself. While he lived among the Indians he continues to struggle with poor breathing, spitting up blood, fits of coughing and fevers. Sometimes he slept outside in the rain.

He relunctly told his Indian friends farewell and made his way to Northampton to live with his friend Jonathan Edwards. David Brainerd lived with the Edwards from May 19, 1747 and died October 9, 1749 at the age of 29 due to tuberculosis.

Famous quote by David Brainerd
Created By
Jenifer Norris


Created with images by m01229 - "Yale University" • msbritt - "fire spark campfire"

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