SOCIAL MEDIA & YOUR CHURCH 5 Reasons You Should Utilize

Now, we all have heard it said before in some fashion or another; "Social Media is the devil." Well, that's not totally true. Anything that you use incorrectly can be a platform for the enemy to creep in. But when properly utilized, social media can be a very POWERFUL tool in effectively spreading the Gospel.

Here, we will give you our Top 5 Reasons that churches should utilize Social Media to enhance their ministry and growth efforts.

1. To Expand Your Audience (Reach)

Let's start off here. A church that only reaches those who are within the "four walls" of the physical building is INEFFECTIVE. There, I said it. Don't kill the messenger. The mission of the church is (and should be) to spread the gospel to as many people as possible and ultimately draw them to Christ.

What that means is that we have to adapt to the times and culture. There are MANY methods of spreading the good news, but one of the fastest and most effective is through SOCIAL MEDIA. There are a number of free platforms that give you access to millions of people across the globe. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter just to name a few, will give you remarkable results when used correctly!

To see more on creating effective content for social media, or send us a message on Facebook.

2. For Events and Calendars

So you have this great conference coming up, and you've booked the speaker, printed the agenda, notified the choir... but what's missing? You still have to spread the word!

How many times have you missed an event, or ministry meeting that you would have loved to attend, but you knew NOTHING about? Isn't that the worst?!

Posting events to social media is a great way to ensure that you've invited everyone and made it visible to those who need it. It's also a great way to ensure you have a reminder set as the day of your event approaches. With Facebook you can also actively gauge the number of attendees based on responses to invites. SO PLAN THAT EVENT AND LET US KNOW ABOUT IT!

For questions on how to post effective events, send us a message.

3. Reaching Your Youth

One thing we must need consider is that our youth are not just the "church of tomorrow;" they are the "church of today" as well. That being said, we have to constantly and consistently ensure they are in the loop of what goes on in our churches and ministries.

"A church without youth, has no future" is something I strongly believe. Keep them connected to Christ and they will lead others to Him as well.

For more on effectively reaching the youth in your church, contact us.

4. Reaching Your Community

You would be suprised how many people in the community have never visited your church. It could possibly be that they had so many other options, or simply because they never knew what your church was all about.

There are so many people out there looking for the cross, and all it takes sometimes is just the awareness of your ministry to get them to inquire. Let your community know what's going on at YOUR CHURCH and they just may become a member for life.

For questions on how to create ads targeted for members of your community, Visit the link below.

5. It's Cost Efficient

Advertising on social media is the most cost efficient way to market or promote any message to thousands of people. People spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on television commercials and radio spots, not knowing the audience or effectiveness of their promotion. With social media, you can effectively target, track and monitor the success of your advertising strategies.

For more info on effective marketing, please contact us and we'll be more than happy to assist!

We pray that this information has benefitted you and encouraged you to consider effectively utilizing social media for your ministry. If you have any further questions just send us a message by following the link below. Don't forget to "Like" our page to stay in the know about all the latest on social media! #WeAlterEgo
Author: Micah Sanford

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