My Favorite/ Least Favorite Movie

My favorite movie of all time is Dumb and Dumber. I have been watching this movie since I was 5 and watch it every time it is on. The movie is about 2 dumb friends road tripping to Aspen to return a suitcase to the love of Lloyds life. On their trip they encounter an array of obstacles such as police, angry truckers, and assassins.
I can't really think of my least favorite movies, but I saw this over the break and it was awful. I had high expectations for this movie because it has a great cast and seemed like a good idea for a movie. I was so disappointed, I have never been so bored in my life. The commercials made the movie look hilarious, but when watching the movie, I realized those were the best parts. I would not waste your money on this movie because it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen

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