My Butterfly Garden Spark Story Michea Ables

Nature on Display: The main thing that caught my eye in the butterfly garden was not just the fact the butterflies where flying everywhere but the habitat. The peacefulness and warmth of the environment. The water fall captured my attention first with the comfort and the sounds. I learned that when there is peace around its easier for you to enjoy every piece and detail around you. The most enjoyable experience I had was staring into this beauty in the picture above.

Nature and the Human Spirit: This view caught my eye so I had to take a picture of it. In this photo it shows the butterflied cordially eating and in their environment. At times we are so busy seeing butterflies fly that we forgot that they are humans too. This makes you sit back and enjoy exactly was Heschel believes. This helps us to slow down and enjoy what is in front of us. Just take a breather.

Nature and Ethics: As I entered and saw this photo one of my main thoughts were I will always remember this. The structure before you enter the rain forest is nothing like I thought it would have been. This was another way Leopold helped me experience nature. I have grown a found respect for such beautiful creatures. This exhibit allowed visitors to understand that they can fly away and fly close but they will not bite you. My experience helped change how I view butterflies and disrupting their natural habitat is not good.

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