My Christmas Break ReTELL


Well my winter break was very fun and exciting with many surprises. On December 23 was the last day for school before it started again,on January 9th. 2 days after school ended my mom took us to a Christmas party. At the Christmas party there was many different people at the,party that I did not know. I was really shy but later I opened up and we became really good friends and text all the time on Snapchat.


After that on December 25 was Christmas ,I was sooo happy and surprised when I opened my gift and saw it was a iPhone 6s! I screamed and jumping up and down the feeling was was unexplainable I was so glad that finally I got my iPhone. I was really surprised that I got an iPhone because my parents told me it was too much money and too expensive but I was pretty upset but when I opened it up on Christmas Day there was so much joy inside me.

MY IPhone 6s

Couple days later we went to church and listened to the word of god and people preaching I really enjoyed it and felt like my connection with God even more,every time they spoke. I really felt like i gown spiritually


After my mom came home from her job , we went to the mall for the Boxing Day sale then I got an opportunity to use my spec card that I got from school and bought my phone case I was very happy! For a couple days I was obsessed with it but eventually got over it later on.

My case
Skating at gage park

Then my friend texted me and told me she she's having a birthday party and we had a sleepover and went skating at Gage Park it was so fun when I was skating I fell down about a couple times but I got up and my friend to teach me we laughed so much at times and also we we had pizza and chips and pop it was the best time ever I really enjoyed it and got to bond with my friends more.

Vacation in Jamaica

In the second week I went to Jamaica I had so much fun I saw my grandparents too and ate mangos. Also we went to a beach called sandals it's amazing but very expensive too we had a boat and went on a Cruise it was very enjoyable. We got together with family and had a big dinner with turkey. Then we went to the Bob Marley museum and saw the great Reggae singer past and a lot of history about him it was very interesting to learn but sadly he passed away a couple years ago 

Shopping at BCC mall

Then stayed for 5 days and came back went winter shopping at bcc mall. I got a lot of clothes and a lot of new shoes. Also when we went to the mall I saw one of my previous teachers from grade 1 she was surprised to see me and surprised to know how much I grew she said I will so small and now I'm so big. WOW she said

On December 31 we went to church we stayed there until 12:30 counting down and waiting for the new year . The pastors were preaching the word of God and telling us how we need to be careful in the new year and how the mountain is going to be a very bumpy mountain but we need to climb over it and be strong because what is a new year without any new bumps and hills. We waited and waited and waited until it was 12:59 then we turn the light off and countdown 5......4........3.........2..........1 and we all screamed happy new year. I did not have a New Year's resolution but I had a new life resolution and my new life resolution was I was going to be a child of God and try my best in this world every day I will try my best to be me and only me .

Skating with my family and my cousin

Then my mom took me my siblings and my cousin to Chinguacousy park and went skating I finally learned how to skate it was fun.

Family time watching a movie

After the new year a couple days later my auntie decides to come on January 8 Sunday just before school starts again on Monday, January 9 my auntie comes with her daughter named Ariel we had a blast we watched movies and we had a popcorn and we played and we ate delicious snacks we had the time of her life before school started again.

Back to school end of my vacation.

Therefor my Christmas vacation was very fun with many different surprises with a fresh start and a fresh year . Also a new life resolution that I will try to do for my life.


Created with images by ulleo - "bubble soap bubble balls" • Ancelin - "mango fruit png" • ancasta1901 - "Christmas_01"

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