
Life Insurance and the Law

The law does not mandate life insurance to cover everyone. The insurance company decides on its own who can cover and who refuses to cover because of their own health and lifestyle. But if the risks caused by unhealthy lifestyles or substandard bodies can be estimated, the insurance company may agree to increase coverage. For more details you should visit Insuranks.com.

When the insured person dies, the beneficiary submits a death certificate and a claim form to the insurer to file a claim. If the death of the insured is suspicious, the insurer may investigate whether the death of the insured meets the provisions of the insurance contract.

The payment of insurance money is sometimes a one-time payment, or it can be paid in installments as agreed in the contract to protect the beneficiary’s life for a certain period of time. will be allowed within the scope of the policy, the maximum expand the investigation survival of the insured.

Life insurance can be divided into risk protection life insurance and investment and wealth management life insurance.

Risk protection

Risk-protected life insurance focuses on protecting people's survival or death risks. Risk-protected life insurance can be divided into fixed-term death life insurance, lifetime death life insurance, dual insurance, and annuity insurance.

Regular death

Term death life insurance provides death protection during a specific period. The insurance period is usually 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years or until the insured reaches the designated age. This insurance does not accumulate cash value, so term death life insurance is generally regarded as "pure" insurance without any investment function.

There are three key factors to consider when purchasing term death life insurance: the amount of insurance, the premium, and the length of the period. There are many types of term death insurance sold in the insurance market, all of which are many different combinations of these three parameters. The price of term death life insurance is generally low, and it is suitable for people with low income or who undertake a dangerous job in the short term.

Death for life

Lifetime death insurance provides life-long death protection for the insured, and the insurance period generally ends when the insured reaches 100 years of age. No matter when the insured person dies before the age of 100, the beneficiary will receive an insurance payment. If the insured survives to the age of 100, the insurance company pays the insured a sum of insurance money. Because when the insured person dies, the insurer must pay the insurance money, so lifetime death life insurance has a saving nature, and its price is higher in insurance. The insurance has a cash value, and some insurance companies provide insurance policy loan services for some types of insurance .

Both insurance

Both insurances are also called "life and death insurance" or "savings insurance". Whether the insured dies during the insurance period or the insured survives until the end of the insurance period, the insurance company pays the insurance money. This insurance is the most expensive in life insurance.

Two full insurance can provide old-age retirement funds and provide living expenses for the survivors. Under special circumstances, it can be used as an investment tool, semi-compulsive savings tool, or as collateral in personal loans.