Removing the Plague of Whitetail Deer

Deer have become brave enough to where they will be seen in a area as populated and urbanized as this and will not be afraid to get very close to houses and people.

Hunters are here to help by making sure that the population of deer in urban areas are controlled and making the environment better for other animals and people.

Whitetail deer have become more brave and have started to roam streets.

This can be a big danger to drivers and is the cause for many "fender benders" and worse.


Created with images by Skyfisher - "Deer Crossing" • PaulAdamsPhotography - "Young Buck" • sybersquad - "I guess we are living in the Enchanted Forest #deer #nofear #backyard" • Unsplash - "street road cars" • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region - "Rice Lake Disabled Deer Hunt" • journeyguy - "Bloody Hands" • bradleygee - "deers on road" • frankieleon - "oh deer"

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