Responsive Web Sites.

The Abobe website rescales well into mobile view with the text staying the same distance from the edges as it was in the desktop view. The articles move from being in a row to being into a column.

The youtube webpage rescales well as the thumbnails stay the same size just less are shown in a row, The sidebar on the website also moves out of sight but can be viewed by clicking the 'hamburger' at the top left of the page.

The Palace website responds well to sizing from desktop to mobile, The text at the right of the desktop page moves to fit under the 3 triangles with each product on the website moving from rows on the desktop site to columns on the mobile site.

The city of Glasgow college website works well with resizing for mobile and desktop, each article moves into line with each other with search toll and 'hamburger' with larger icons at the top to aid with mobile navigation.

The pc world webpage scales well with the size change providing a slightly different looking page with the solid purple bar across the top of it with a 'hamburger, search tool and basket

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