THE MIND WANDERS On aNd on and on and oN

There's no real form yet to these. Just some ramblings of the mind from this week.


A Healthy Mind

is a teetering scale. One that goes in multiple dimensions. Yes I'm speaking more of a disk on a fulcrum.

To start you need a sample of the outside and a taste of the chaos from relationships in every form.

Time alone. Self reflection is key. In my opinion, this could weigh heavier than the rest. Though others may deter you, there is nothing wrong with looking out for one's self. How else can you assure your growth without important tending?

Love and passion take a hearty slice. These are not necessarily always derived from relationships. Passion of art or any nonsense of expression that activates those endorphins and pleasure center constructively. I add "constructively" to rule out drugs being confused with this part of the scale.

Then there's the delicate, but potent dash of evil. Darkness. Don't make that face, evil is necessary and plays a role in every angle and corner of the human existance. Those that deny the necessity and even existance of evil within are, sadly, a step behind the shape of man and Earth.

But I digress.

This particular evil that can aid a healthy mind in the way of processing attacks against it. How you punish harm that comes to your mind can determine the frequency. Whether and outside force or your own harmful conjured thoughts, these must be met with resistance. Much like a thorned plant reminding herbivores of the last time they bit down on them. Association of resistance, of pain. Maybe asparagus has had a similar effect on some repentant plant eaters too.

And so we need this evil, this harshness, this defense mechanism to keep harm from entering a healthy mind. To keep harm from one still forming.


There's nothing wrong with sitting unentertained.

Thanks to social media, we are already "pre-caught up" with all of our friends and loved ones. They say "Oh, did ya hear, I..." and we usually interrupt with a "Oh yea I saw your post."

...and that's the end of that.

But that's ok! You can still enjoy the real interaction of a warm body. Enjoy the personal company of another. Go for a walk. Comment on real life things happening in the moment, in front of you.


We can still sit in silence and enjoy. Can we still be bored and not feel the incessant need to entertain? Listen to music on a porch having a drink. Just like the picture that comes to mind when you are asked to visualize "something relaxing."

So go do that. If it's with someone, even better.


"Draw me a clock.."

"...that is forty-five minutes past the tenth hour and remember three words for me that I will ask you later."

He grinned sarcastically and laughed in frustration. He did not like being treated like some senile citizen, no less in his own home.

Much like business, taking offense is all about location location location. So offending a man in his own home is high dollar value prime real estate.

Don't forget to look up.


I'm not electric

but I can definitely hold a charge. I know this because very time I step out of a car I have to ground myself on the metal frame. I know this is pretty common, but you must understand how loud the snap is. The jolt of blue electricity can be seen and heard from my skin to the conductive surface.

I don't know what this means. I don't begin to speculate either.

I'm not electric.

Thanks for reading what I wrote this week. I feel warm. I think I'm getting sick.

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All content and photographs created by Lorenzo Garcia

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