Army World Timeline Film
Design brief
The goal for the Army World Timeline film was to tell a visual story of history across seven eras of time. For each era, four categories will be used to convey a theme based on historical events in Communication, Weapons, Transportation, and Medicine. Within the timeline of events, iconic images were used to portray an artifact object or material portrait, shown side by side of scenes with army engagement from photography, illustrations, or footage.
These series of visual stories appear on screen across all eras of history in a gradual motion. A monochromatic cascade of color undulates throughout each period adds a fluid wave of motion as a curtain motif. Each story-line has dates hovering over images capturing a capsule of time. Intros of the four categories are used as transitions. These intros use text and imagery to visually clarify each theme presented across the entire screen. Intros and visual stories are assembled together as one continuous display of army culture and history allowing the viewer to become immersed in a sense of visual grandeur.
Communication achievements are envisioned as iconic artifacts. Across all eras, these artifacts are supported with scenes of Army engagement. This section will showcase a visual story of innovative technology as milestones in communication.