The Magician's Nephew By:C.S. Lewis Revised by: Matthew Jones

disappears. The Magician's Nephew is about two friends that grew up together, Polly and Digory. Digory and Polly go walking and discover an abandoned house that ended up being a secret room. When they arrive Digory's uncle Andrew is there and threatens to keep them captive until he gives Polly a ring and she dissapears. Digory is amazed while his uncle tells him hoe she has been sent to another world. Although Digory is given a green ring that can bring both of them back.

Since C.S Lewis is a great author I think many different people would enjoy reading his books. I personally loved the Chronicales of Narnia series and how he incorporated Christianity into the novel. He displays the power of god and the devil through Aslan the lion and the Witch. Since C.S. Lewis is a Christian apologist I believe many Christians should enjoy reading his books. I liked how Aslan would scare off the Witch and show his power. He also relates it to the story of Adam and Eve how god asked them to not eat an apple. In the Magician's Nephew he tells them to bring him to give peace between them and the Witch. Although the Witch tries to persuade them to give it to their mom to eat. I really like the Narnia series and how it relates to Christianity.

"Things always work according to their nature."

Created By
C.S. Lewis


Created with images by cdrummbks - "magician's nephew" • Me in ME - "Wheeler Peak Headwall" • luxstorm - "telephone london red" • carlosluz - "Macro Ring" • PublicDomainPictures - "adult black body"

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