Rise to Fame is a phenomenon that a celebrity will go through a process of loving, then beginning to hate the fame. The fame causes the celebrity to have feelings of isolation, mistrust, and lack of privacy.

Being a celebrity comes with costs, having to adapt to a new lifestyle. Substance abuse, isolation, mistrust, dysfunctional adaptation to fame, and too often death

Johnny Manziel was a football star but eventually went down a path of partying every night. The fame he received from all his accolades contributed to his fall (Kaplan).

The rise to fame phenomenon occurs more frequently in todays age, because its easier than ever to communicate with people from across the world.

Everyone is human and the rise to fame will affect people differently. Usually people are affected with symptoms of feeling lonely and isolated. Celebrities most likely feel that their privacy is being invaded

Works Cited

Ijzerman, Hans. Epidemic of loneliness. Psychology Today, 1991. Web. 27 Jan. 2017. <>.

Kaplan, Emily. “The Fall of Johnny Manziel.” MMQB. 15 Mar. 2016. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. <>.

Schultz, William. The psychological consequences of fame. Psychology Today, 1991. Web. 17 Jan. 2017. <>.


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