
1 .Master scoring in tennis. Tennis is made up of games, sets, and matches. Traditionally, you must win 6 games (or, in special cases, 7) to win a set, and you must win 2 out of 3 sets to win a match. Here's what you need to know
2 .Master the court. Before you can start playing tennis, you need to understand the layout of a tennis court.
3 .Serve the ball. Start by standing on the deuce side of the court behind the baseline and serve the ball to the box that's across the net and diagonal to you. You have two chances to get your serve in. If you don't get your serve in the first time, it's called a fault; if you don't get it in the second time, it's called a double-fault and you've lost the point and have to move to the opposite side of the court.
4.Play until someone hits a winner or commits an error. A winner means that the ball bounces in the court, but the person can't hit it back. An error means that you either hit the ball out of bounds or hit the ball into the net.
5. Play the next point. Move to the "ad" (left-hand) side of the court. Serve the ball and play the point. The score proceeds 15, 30, and 40. The first person to exceed 40 by two wins the game.


Created with images by anais_anais29 - "tennis ball sport" • ataelw - "Ana Ivanovic_0026" • Steven Pisano - "2013 US Open (Tennis) - Ivo Karlovic" • annca - "table tennis ping-pong bat" • ataelw - "s0028" • dietmaha - "tennis ball competition"

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