The Dangers Of The Internet By: Blair Bradsher

The impact and influence the internet has on children today is growing. And with that increased access, comes the increase of risks on the internet. Child predators taking advantage of children is a very real risk. Parents need to limit what websites their children visit.

Criminals can not be found easily on the internet. The police do not have enough power to track them down. So parents can help by stopping the problem before it happens.

It should be well-known that criminals are active on the internet. Parents should not ignore this and take a stand against it by helping their children avoid troublesome websites.

Criminals could be anyone, anywhere. Child predators frequent chat rooms and forms social media. Parents can start there when assessing which websites might be unsafe.

Phones are also another way that children spend time on the internet. Parents should make sure they secure those too.
Limiting what websites can be reached is simple and worth it. Keeping your children safe from criminals online will result in your child being more safe and successful.


Created with images by tigerlily713 - "code hacker data" • sasint - "children study of laptop" • One World Platform - "Predstava "Virtualno je stvarno""

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