Starting a New Chapter Khaled Khalil Period 3

In the End (Linkin Park)

I'm just a Kid (Simple Plan)

Call Me Maybe (Carly Rae Jepsen)

lovefool ( The Cardigans)

Movin' Out (Billy Joel)

Movin' Out shows a very important part of the book, The Catcher and the Rye, and that is Holden wanting to stay a kid and not to grow up to be a phony adult. We see this in the book when he erases the cuss word off the board in his dream and want to catch children that fall. In the song we see this theme in lines of the chorus, It seems such a waste of time, If that's what it's all about, Mama if that's movin' up, Then I'm movin' out, I'm movin' out. This quote from the song tells us that Holden doesn't want to grow up in a fake world. If being fake is growing up then he doesn't want it. In the song it also talks about people telling him to do stuff so he can go higher in the work he does, She said, Sonny, move out to the country, Who needs a house out in Hackensack, Is that what you get with your money? He says he doesn't need these things because it makes no sense, just like his school which is why he failed.


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