Boston Marathon By:Maggie HaskEll

The survivors stay strong and everyday and recover, yet they never recover fully from what happened on April 15,2013. What do the survivors of the boston Marathon think about the making of the movie 'Patriots day'? Is it too soon?

Two bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston marathon killing 5 total people. 3 civilians from the bombing lost there life along with 1 police officer in a shoot out and 1 officer injured from a explosion after the marathon.

The two bombers were brothers. Dzhokhar and Tamerian Tsarnaev, the also injured 264 civilians at the scene of the bombing and 16 police officers during a gun fight.

. This tradgey stays in the heart of the families who lost a love one or had a love one injured. All of what happened to these family's almost four years later is it still to soon to make a movie of the bombing?

Jessica Downes and many other agree. Jessica Downes is a survivor who lost both leg and her husband lost one leg. "This was really traumatic. This permanently changed lives, permanently ended lives. And so 'right' isnt something you can achieve with survivors, but 'respect' is. And I dont think that gentleman sitting behind us ensured that happened" - Jessica Downes (she's talking about the producer/director.) Do you agree.

Another comment a women said about a article wrote said, "Hope Mr.Wahlberg sees his way to donating his salary from his film to the victims of the Marathon. Otherwise, it's the rankest form of opportunism I've ever seen-- filming at the sight of still a fresh wound." - Anne. So from what you just heard do you think it's still to soon?

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