Vitamin K Greens:)

What foods contain vitamin K? 1) Kale 2) Natto 3) Scallions 4) Brussels Sprouts 5) Cabbage 6) Broccoli 7) Dairy 8) Prunes 9) Cucumbers 10)Dried basil

Is it fat-soluble or water-soluble? Fat-soluble

How much do you need daily? 120 mcg/day for men and 90mcg/day for women

Why do you need the vitamin? Benefits of the vitamin// Vitamin K activates the protein that clots the blood. Heart health, Improve bone density, Restore oral health, Fight cancer, Reduce infections

Can you take too much of the vitamin? Sure why not?:)

Is there a vitamin deficiency with this vitamin? If so, what is the deficiency called? Deficiency can occur in persons of any age but neonates are at risk of developing vitamin K deficiency bleeding

Created By
Samantha, Morgan Torrez, Sherrill

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