Your Mighty Light a WNCAL Storyboard

Some people won't be able to handle your light
It may be illuminating their own deepest, darkest stuff. It may make them resentful. It may be that their frequency just doesn't vibe with yours.

This is all perfect.

My old, people-pleasing ways included feeling mortified if someone didn't like me, or discarded my friendship easily. I wanted to identify what was wrong with me, and how I could fix it to be more deserving.
Thank the gods that's in the past.
My healthier, nowadays ways know that none of this shit is personal. All I can do is continue to work on me, and love myself fully and unconditionally. That allows me to love everyone around me in the same way, without attachment or expectation. It is supremely freeing.
So, if someone can't handle your light, move on. Continue to beam love and compassion. It may well help them, even from afar. And it will most definitely help you, and any others you encounter on your journey.
Nourish your light. Protect it. And never, ever let it dim in the face of someone else's darkness.

~Victoria Morehead 2016

Connecting community pieces together for the common good
Created By
Robin Vabolis


Created with images by DoNotLick - "Light Reflections" • whileimautomaton - "shadow" • Damian Gadal - "Vibe" • pixel2013 - "stones stacked stones stacked" • alexisnyal - "11-1-10" • hurricanemaine - "gratitude" • jill111 - "woman happiness sunrise" • 44833 - "sunlight forest way" • AlicePopkorn - "welcome new light" • senjinpojskic - "connect jigsaw strategy"

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