Top 10 Favorite Things By Ethan Wong

10. The Red Lantern Symbol

It symbolizes the color red, that sports the emotion rage.

9. Cory Micheal Smith

He plays The Riddler on the TV show Gotham.

8. TV shows

This is a show that gives the transformations from Bruce Wayne to the Batman. It also shows how regular mentally sick criminals, became actually villains and enemies of Batman.
This is a show that contains graphic scenes of stupidity among four lifelong friends who compete to embarrass each other.

7. Star Wars

The Phantom Menace

Attack of the Clones

Revenge of the Sith

Rogue One

A New Hope

The Empire Strikes Back

Return of the Jedi

The Force Awakens

6. Mbot

A robot that can be designed to do a variety of things.

5. Pizza

Pizza can be customized and made with many different toppings.

4. Website

This is the website of Jehovah's Witnesses.

3. Buddy

My best buddy is my uncle. And when I mean buddy, I mean pizza buddy!!!

2. My Dog

This is Murphy. He is my dog. He is a rescue that was found on the streets. My family and I adopted him so that he could have a good home.

1. Family

This my family.

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