Perfecto by Jacob Vallejo

Our motto in Perfecto is We live, We laugh, We cry, We play, We work. In this community we learn and we make mistakes but from the mistakes we learn.

Our symbol represents nature, growth, and beauty.

The reason that the community Perfecto was created was that no one would feel less important then others. We also created this community for many other reasons.

Rules in the community perfecto.

In our Perfecto community we have simple rules to make you and everyone in the community safe and happy. 1. Everyone has to be kind to everyone. There is no meanness in the community. 2. There is no judging in the community. Don't judge people or anything. 3. There is no bad language in the community. No swearing or harsh language towards others. 4. Everyone has the same amount of money. Nobody's more rich or poor then you. 5. Everybody can pick their own jobs. You may pick your job. 6. You may pick where your house is going to be. Where your house is going to be located. 7. You have to go to school and graduate from college. You have to get an education. 8. You may choose what you want to eat. You can have a different variety of food to eat. 9. Wear the same clothes, and drive the same car. everybody has the same clothes and drives the same car. 10. No lying. You cant lie tell the truth.

The location that Perfecto is located is in Utah. There"s all the seasons summer, winter, spring, and fall. You don"t have to worry about it being Hot all the time or cold all the time. You'll love it here.

Here is an example of what a daily persons schedule. 8:00 wake up. 8:30-9:00 Breakfast. 9:00-11:00 If you are an adult you will go to work at this time, if you are a kid you will go to school at this time. 12:00 lunch time. 1:00-3:00 exercise, sports, Activities, and go back to school or work. 4:00-6:00 Family time or friend time. 6:00-9:00 Family time, Activities, What you want to do. 6:00-10:00 You can go to bed if you want to.

The type of Government we have at Perfecto is Democracy. You have the freedom to choose. You also have freedom. You don't have to worry about losing your freedom or choices.

There is no doubt that Pefecto is the place to live. You have freedom and you also have choices that you can make. You will be happy when you come to Perfecto. The rules that we have in the community Perfecto will keep you safe and again happy. Come live in Perfecto today.


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "road forest trees" • tpsdave - "lake tahoe california emerald bay" • RyanFSpack - "leaves fall au" • MellaViews - "winter tree sky" • keijj44 - "mountain peak mountain range" • GREGOR - "flower yellow spring" • GidonPico - "sunset sun sunrise" • eleephotography - "Yamdrok Lake, Tibet 2" • LoggaWiggler - "delicate arch arch stone arch" • tpsdave - "utah panorama mountains" • Fotocitizen - "utah mountain sky" • eleephotography - "Yamdrok Lake, Tibet 2"

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