5 Must-Reads For Summer by erin mcgroarty

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

by Steven Chobsky

Well to start, I seriously hope you've seen the movie, because it’s easily my favorite of all time; that says a lot considering I’m quite the movie person (may or may not be a little biased towards Emma Watson and Logan Lerman starring, but that’s beside the point). Anyways, bottom line is you have to read the book that the beautiful film is based off of. It follows a freshman in high named Charlie who suffers from severe depression after the death of his aunt. After the antisocial boy makes friends with an exotic group of seniors-I really don’t have a good enough word to describe that wild bunch-he becomes exposed to the experience of friendships, love, drugs, and the magical world of being a teenager. The short 100-something page novel is told through the refreshingly real perspective that will certainly pull on your heartstrings a bit. This is a great book and I highly recommend it, considering it’s almost as good as the movie.

"We accept the love we think we deserve" -The Perks of Being a Wallflower

My Sister's Keeper

by Jodi Piccoult

I read this book a very long time ago, and it still remains amongst my favorites of all time. If any of you know the author Jodi Piccoult, then you're probably aware that she's famous for her incredibly morally complex novels that completely consume your mind, your heart, and your thoughts. My Sister’s Keeper is the epitome of her work, and I highly recommend that you experience it. My Sister’s Keeper is about 13-year-old Anna who sues her parents for potentially forcing her to give her kidney to her cancerous older sister Kate who needs it to survive. This book will have you changing your mind with every page. SPOILER ALERT... the end will leave you crying, whether you’re at Compo, Longshore, or across the world, so bring a pair of sunglasses to hide your mascara runs.

"if you have a sister and she dies, do you stop saying you have one? Or are you always a sister, even when the other half of the equation is gone?" -My Sister's Keeper

Pride and Prejudice

by Jane Austen

Alright sophomores, I know you read this book in English, so freshmen, juniors, and seniors don’t miss out. I know, I know, who wants to read basically ancient literature? But don’t let the old title fool you. P and P is the perfect dose of society, romance and the Elizabethan era that will want you wearing full skirts and and speaking in a British accent. If you don’t know already, Pride and Prejudice follows the lives of the Bennet family during the Elizabethan era in England as they make their way into adulthood. The novel uses the famous language of Jane Austen to tell a story of romance, marriage, societal laws, and suspense. So don’t run away from the classics people… and this is a good one for summer.

"A girl likes to be crossed a little in love now and then." -Pride and Prejudice

Alexander Hamilton

By Ron Chernow

So we all know about the famous Broadway play that’s been sweeping the nation, especially here in Westport amongst the Staples. "Not only is it the story of Alexander Hamilton but it's the story of rising above your circumstances through hard work and dedication," Olivia Payne '18 of Staples Players tech crew says. Ask anyone in Players… if they haven’t seen the play then they’re sure hoping to. To keep it short and sweet, the reason to read this book is simple. Why not read the book in which this phenomenon is based off of? So go hit the beach with Hamilton.

"Perseverance in almost any plan is better than fickleness and fluctuation" -Alexander Hamilton


by Rainbow Rowell

Alright, it’s a longer book but I promise it’s worth it. I’ll keep it short and sweet for Fangirl, because it really does speak for itself, but this a sweet Rainbow Rowell novel that one could describe as a “basic summer read” If you’re looking for that sweet and simple love story, then Fangirl’s what you’re looking for. This realistic fiction novel follows college freshman Cath as she starts off her first year at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln balancing between sleeping and writing her internet-famous fanfiction based on her favorite childhood books. But then, blonde-haired, wide-grinned Levi comes into her life, and everything changes. This cute college love story is told through the crafty language of Rainbow Rowell that we all know and love. So if you’re looking for that sweetheart love story to read at Compo, you’re welcome.

"Cath felt like she was swimming in words. Drowning in them, sometimes." -Fangirl
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Erin McGroarty

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