The First 5 Presidents By: Lee Price

George Washington
Whiskey Rebellion

George Washington established the tradition of a cabinet of advisors on sept 11 1789, Washington signed into law the first copyright law on may 31 1790, Washington set precedents for the social life of the president, Washington introduced the neutrality act for foreign policy in 1794, and the Whiskey Rebellion which happened in 1791, The Judicial system was just getting brought up when Washington was elected into office, Some Federal courts and the Supreme court were founded in 1789. In Washington's Farewell address he warned of political parties and long term alliances but they happened anyways. He also set the precedent of only having the max of 2 presidential terms.

John Adams
Quasi war

John Adams was a Federalist, A lot of his Domestic Affairs had to do with his Foreign policy because foreign policy was a big issue at the time, The XYZ Affair- When France asked to be bribed to stop messing with U.S. ships, Quasi war- Undeclared war with France AKA (Pirate Wars) which lasted from July 7, 1798 to September 30, 1800, The Alien and Sedition Act was passed to keep the French from coming to the US and becoming citizens and voting. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions made it to where states could withhold laws within their own borders.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was a member of the Democratic-Republican party. 05/14/1801: Yusuf Karamini, pasha of Tripoli, declares war on the US by cutting down a flag pole. They wanted more tribute for protecting the US from piracy. A convention with the British happened and they came up with a settlement plan for the revolutionary war. 04/06/1802: Repeal of the Whiskey taxes. In 1809 the embargo act Jefferson chose the plan best for the economy by banning all landings in British and French ports to not be involved in the war. There was another act very similar before the called the nonintercourse act which prevented all trade with foreign countries in 1807. During Jefferson's presidency Impressment (captured sailors fired to serve enemy) was still a huge problem with foreign countries.

James Madison
Battle of Ft. McHenry

James Madison was part of the Democratic-Republican party. The war of 1812 was a huge event during James Madison's presidency. The cause of The War of 1812 was the series of economic sanctions by the French and the British. Impressment was still a part of the war of 1812. The battle of Tippecanoe was a battle with a Native American religious stronghold in 1811. In 1814 in the midst of The War of 1812 the British threatened to enter the capitol. James Madison had safely gotten to Maryland before the fact. However the British set fire to the White House when they entered the capitol as part of the war. Then, on September 13-14, the British attacked Fort McHenry. The failure of the bombardment and sight of the American flag inspired Francis Scott Key to compose "The Star-Spangled Banner."

James Monroe
Rush-Begot treaty

James Monroe is part of the democratic-Republican party. The "Era of Good Feelings" marked a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. Panic of 1819 or otherwise known as The United States's first financial crisis. The land act of 1820 made it to where individuals couldn't purchase public property. In an effort to preserve the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states, the Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. The Adams-Onis treaty was a treaty to settle the boundary issues between the US and Catholic Majesty. The Rush–Bagot Treaty or Rush–Bagot Disarmament, was a treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom limiting naval armaments on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, following the War of 1812.

Created By
Lee Price

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