Cornerstone Carrigan Young

She is a calm, patient girl with a clear mind

says the open box of tea on the cleaned counter,

fresh with the scent of lemon.

She is smart and imaginative

says the pile of broken books on the cluttered desk.

She is a hard worker,

and strives for her goals says the tap shoes,

scuffed with years of practice on the scratched and worn wood.

She sees the light in the world around her

says the bright sign that reads ‘sunshine’ on the white shelf.

She seeks to learn and grow says the pencil resting on the used journal.

She is cheerful and full of belief

says the many stockings hung on the mantel decorated with scenes of nativity over the ash dusted fireplace.

Friends surround her in life

say the many pictures of smiling faces

placed on the shelf in the center of the room.

She is strong in her faith says the shining cross

that beams proudly by the old well.

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