Reflective Journal Week start 13/03/17

Day 1

Me and Brandon have came up with some Ideas for what our game could be. We also started doing research on other games to help us generate ideas.

Day 2

Me and Brandon have been looking at the games workshop website for inspiration for our sci-fi/fantasy game. I've been looking into the Eldar while Brandon is looking into the space marines Blood Angels

Day 3

Today we got some advice from our tutor Adam who told us to conduct more market research, Create some mind maps and finalize the proposal.

Day 4

I have started some of my market research on the war hammer 40k universe

Day 5: Brandon and I have been discussing some more ideas for our game and adding them to the proposal. We have also discussed what mechanics we could add to our game and what the story is about. The research we have been using will help us create more ideas for characters and mechanics we could create from inspiration from other games. Next week I will be looking at for more inspiration for our game


Created with images by gbSk - "journals"

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