DoveMen+Care By: Stephanie Reyes

Dove company first began in 1957, a personal care product SOAP, the creator Vincent Lamerti. Later patented and owned by Unilever who owns several other companies. Dove later expanded its products to deodorants, body and face washes, shampoos, and lotions. There major campaign is to using every type of woman to portray that beauty is diversity. They also have a line of products for men.

Goal: 6,000 new Instagram followers in the span of three months.

The audience working millennial men, newly hired millennial men

These young men are college, educated, and tend to follow social media and pop culture closely

Millennials make up 24% of the population which is one of the biggest generational groups.

The men's grooming business is becoming one of the biggest industries in the US. Young adult men making up most of the market, because they are most invested in personal care

Since the goal is to raise 6,000 new Instagram followers. Targeting millennials who 59% of them use Instagram

To achieve the goal we would have to put Dove men care plus on the radar of the targeted audience and have them participate in following our Instagram

What Will we do to get there:

Strategy: the campaign is to get Instagram followers, to get the target audience's exposure towards Dove+MenCare. To show that Dove+MenCare products are just as manly and useful as Old Spice or Axe. Using monthly events, stickers, commercials. The Monthly music event would have popular artists and innovator, a forum to help get the discussion of new tech and personal grooming products started.

so How Exactly?

Key Message: Manly Men Care
  • Have a musical commercial portraying an exaggerated version of men doing professional activities with the theme song of "Two and a Half Men" Appeal comedically.
  • Start changing the Instagram posts. More posts of young successful men. A new photo every week, with a story on how they became so successful at a young age
  • Have monthly musical events with popular artists promoting the hashtag #manlymen. Have the events at major cities like LA, NYC, and Chicago.
  • At the event ask men to post a picture of their business or themselves to be featured on their instagram
Have stickers that have the hashtag all over major cities when the Musical events are near

Time it out

The commercial would be broadcasted during sportscasts. So anytime a game is on. Also for comedy central and late night shows. Have Dove on day 1 start the hashtag #manlymen with bi-weekly stories of successful young professionals in tech, business, or music. The musical events would have an open space so it's open to the public and had a large open space. It would be monthly beforehand have Dove interns in certain regions where ever the event will be taking place, have them stick the stickers all around the city. Will get people to look at the hashtag beforehand.

Evaluating the goal would be making the goal of 15,000 followers maybe even more 2,000 new followers every month. focusing mainly on men but women too.

Created By
stephanie reyes


Created with images by photogmateo - "Dove Men +Care Face Wash"

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