Government Censorship By Gabriel Batizy

Censorship is the concealment of free speech or information which may be considered offensive, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.

The United States Bureau of Morality is a department of the United States government that oversees all media.

The Pros of Government Censorship:

Censoring hate helps to promote peace, potential terrorists don't have access to government information, pretects children mentally, and controlls panic and fear.

The Cons of Censorship:

Violates the citizen's right to free speach, Censorship would only promote beliefs that are deemed “morally correct”, and Big companys can censor thier competition.


In North Korea, only about 4% of the people have access to the internet, and the only content allowed is government-controlled.

In Burma, the government filters the people’s emails, and blocks access to any sites exposing human rights violations in the country

In Suadi Arabia, the government blocks nearly half a million websites that discuss religious, social, or political topics that conflict with their beliefs.

In Iran, anybody who express opinions contrary to those of the government leaders are put in jail.

In China, sites are and searches on things, like controversial issues that offer information promoting the Communist Party, are blocked.

Created By
Gabriel Batizy


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