Name it & Frame it!

Our church's name & vision frame.

Announcing our new name & brand...

Victory Christian Fellowship is now...

Reconcile Church Los Angeles

Our new logo tells the gospel story through both its symbols & colors. We'll explain Sunday!

These four passages articulate the Apostle Paul's biblical theology of reconciliation.

(Click on each passage to enlarge.)

Why the new name? Because God has given us a new mission - Reconcile LA!

The Vision Frame*

A standard picture frame as four sides. Once the frame is in place, then the beauty & esthetics of picture can emerge. The same is true for Reconcile LA. First, consider the four components that comprise the framework of our church: Mandate, Motives, Map & Mark. Next, the Vision.

First, what is the missional MANDATE of our church? What is our guiding north star?

Our mission is to RECONCILE Angelinos to God, NURTURE them in discipleship to Jesus & MOBILIZE them for missions in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Second, what are the values that light a fire in our church? What are the MOTIVES, convictions that will influence decision-making and inspire daily actions?

We have seven core values: Gospel | Gather | Give | Grow | Go | Glocal | Glory

Third, is there a clear strategy to accomplish the mission? What MAP will we follow?

Our five-fold strategy is: Sunday worship services | Life & affinity groups | Discipleship | Kids ministry | Outreach

Fourth, when will we know that we've hit the mark or target of success? What does a win look like?

For us, we're aiming at one MARK - making disciples!

With the missional framework in place, now the Vision of the church becomes visible.

The Vision answers the "Where" question. Where is God taking our church? What is our preferred future?

Our vision is to catalyze a disciple-making, maturing, mobilizing, multiplying movement of God from Los Angeles to the ends of the earth.

Is Reconcile LA a good fit for you? Here's an unofficial, fun, yet thought-provoking litmus test. If you respond "yes" to several of these questions, then you should definitely join us (they're in no particular order):

  1. Do you love God & want to see His Kingdom come & His will done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10)?
  2. Do you love the City of Angels? I mean really love LA?
  3. Do you long to see the multi-ethnic, heavenly congregation pictured in Revelation 5:8-10, 7:9-10 reflected in the local church?
  4. Do you believe that the Church is the hope of the world & that God doesn't have a Plan B?
  5. As parents or future parents, do you want your church to partner with you to shepherd the hearts of your children?
  6. Do you believe that the oppressed, disenfranchised, ostracized & marginalized: the poor, orphans, widows, young girls/women enslaved in the sex industry, the incarcerated & the aliens among us are at the heart of God & that His Church should "stand in the gap" on their behalf (Ezekiel 22:23-31)?
  7. Do you believe that the Church has a dual role & duty, to not only reconcile people to God, but also to champion the cause of racial reconciliation through both our proclamation & demonstration of the vertical & horizontal nature of the gospel?
  8. Do you long to see the local church show up as the "family of God", where people are known, loved & cared for?
  9. Do you desire to be discipled intentionally, intensely & programmatically - like Jesus did with His disciples?
  10. Do you affirm that the Bible, as the very voice & word of God, coupled with genuine grace & authentic expressions of Christian love are the ultimate cure for what ails the world?

Join the new, multi-ethnic, multi-socioeconomic, intergenerational, gospel movement this Sunday, January 8, 3:00-4:30pm at The Community Room located at: The Original Farmers Market 6333 West 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90036

The Community Room is located upstairs (above Gate 1), near Bryan's Pit Barbecue & Weiss Jewelry. Hint, the Farmers Market Office & Community Room are both located upstairs. Find the Farmers Market Office on the map & you'll find the Community Room.

Email us with questions:

See you Sunday! Pastor Daryl

*Vision Framework concept courtesy of Will Mancini's Church Unique: A Visual Summary.

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