POVERTY LittLe or Limited money & Goods

43.1 million people lived in Poverty during the 2015 year. Of those people, 12.2% are men, 14.8% women, and 19.7% children. Also, 6% of them live deep in poverty and so, their income is half of the household. Those who aren't even in deep poverty but are close to it, get 2x as many as their household. And there are those who are suffering form lack of food and that is 13%, in 2015.

Elderly, adults and children aren't getting the nutritions they need. People can become very ill for not getting the right nutritions. Health care will rise and cause alot if money to a for. U.S. Have difficulty providing food fir families.

People go hungry most days, they get injured, and they have no money to buy anything. In the year 2015 Kansas was ranked 13 of unemployment, which means people don't have much money to buy any goods. This makes Americans unhealthy. People can become very ill for not getting the right nutritions. Poverty in the U.S is an issue because many Americans can't afford what they need to live.

One of many of our solution is to raise taxes for the poeple who have more money, like millionaires so then the government can provide the food for those in need. Also, families who have more people in the household will recieve a greater amout of money as their income than the families who have less people. Furthermore, disabled people must get money form the government because they can not get jobs. Lastly, those who are employed must be payd an equal amout of payment.

We choose this topic because our country is low on food and many people suffer everyday because of poverty. We just want to know how we could make the world better.


Created with images by Unsplash - "cityscape houses buildings" • bandarji - "Poverty" • Fifaliana - "poverty children madagascar" • ptwo - "3070" • oscar alexander - "Poverty"

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