The Battle of Lexington & Concord A revolutionary battle

Statue of an American minuteman

The battles of Lexington and Concord were fought on April nineteenth of 1775. The first battle occurred in the city of Lexington. A Patriot named Paul Revere rode ahead of the British warning the militia that redcoats were coming. Him and other riders were very crucial to the success of the Patriots. The militia were ready to defend themselves when the British arrived. Nobody knows for sure who fired the first shot, but by the end of the battle between the British red coats and American militia men many were dead. Some people considered it the Boston Massacre all over again.

Reenactment of the battle of Lexington

After the battle of Lexington, British troops were ordered to march on to Concord to deal with rebels in the city. Concord had also received news that redcoats were marching on their city. Their militia gathered at a bridge to defend the city. Again, neither side was ordered to fire but they were forced to after the Americans started advancing towards them. The British eventually retreated and the Patriots celebrated their small victory. At least 122 people were killed in the two battles and many were wounded.

A model of the bridge that was the site of the battle of Concord

Word of the Battles spread throughout the colonies and many people were angered that the British had killed their own colonists. These two battles sparked Americans resentment towards Great Britain and led to the Revolutionary war. Many joined the American side after these battles and finally, many years later the Americans would be successful in fighting the British earning their freedom.

Map of the battles of Lexington and Concord
Created By
liam jones


Created with images by USA-Reiseblogger - "kentucky usa america" • cgcolman - "lexington massachusetts american revolution" • City of Boston Archives - "Battle of Lexington: Patriot's Day Reenactment (Lexington, MA)" • The National Guard - "2016 ARNG Best Warrior Competition"

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