Regan Patterson ray_patt Bard section 41 Journey log 5

In her English composition class, Kaylin was given the assignment of writing a long essay. Like usual, she panicked.

She did not know where to begin with this writing assignment. Her first thought was to sit down and read her assignment.

Done. She read it through, now she is ready to begin. She started off not exactly sure what she was writing about or who she was righting for, but that didn't matter to her, so she just continued on typing.

She had some questions along the way during her assignment, but figured she would just assume one thing or another, such as what exactly the teacher meant by "cover the material".

Even though she remembered being told to form an argument, instead she thought just listing off facts would suffice. I mean, it does get the point across doesn't it?

Once she was complete with the actual writing process, she put the paper into double space, Times New Roman, size 12. This is what she always did in high school so it is probably right for this paper as well.

Next up, sources. She went right to easy bib and copied and pasted her sources and put them in alphabetical order on the last page to complete the paper. All done!

This week we read a paper about shitty writing experiences. According to this story, Kaylin did just about everything wrong. Let's look at what rules she broke and what she should have done:

  • She panicked, and you should never panic about a writing assignment.
  • She only read her assignment once then jumped to the paper. The assignment should be read through at least a few times for a full understanding.
  • Before writing, she made the mistake of not even knowing what and who she was writing for.
  • Once she had a question, she assumed she knew what her teacher meant in his instruction instead of asking or looking it up.
  • She never formed a clear argument, instead she just listed her facts.
  • Kaylin also failed to review the formatting rules because this paper was actually supposed to be single spaced.
  • She also failed to review her sources and make sure they were accurate.
  • Finally, Kaylin forgot to reread and review her first draft. The first draft is never good and always needs a revision before turning in the paper.

What we see here are all the mistakes that students make while writing a paper. As students, we need to be smart and not make silly mistakes and be careless like Kaylin was.

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