Technology in My Life Jessica Fleetwood

Growing up in the poor part of Thailand, I wasn't exposed to a lot of electronics or technology. I grew up basically in a farm. The first technology I received was a Mario Kart game with the bulky television and simple "left-right-up-down" controls. I thought it was so advanced and I was addicted. No shame.

When I was about 7 years old, my Mom and I would go to an "Internet Cafe" so she could skype my Dad who was in the USA. To me, that was so cool, computers all lined up and bright screens. She would pay by the hour and for two computers, we both were occupied. I played Sims while she talked online, my treat every Friday night!

After moving to the United States and getting adjusted to all the technology that this world has to offer, my first phone was a flip phone that I knew how to work with right away. I was 13. As I got older, I bought my first iPhone and MacBook. Again, I didn't read the manual for these, I just felt like I should know how to work it because my friends do.


Created with images by FirmBee - "ipad mockup apple" • Alexas_Fotos - "mario luigi figures" • offdutyBL - "The Web internet cafe" • FirmBee - "office freelancer computer"

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