Of Mice and Men By:Hailey Fowler

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, said there are three different types of friendships; pleasure, usefulness, and true friendship. True friendship according to Todd May, “is to step into a stream of someone else’s life.” This means that you will always have some special place in their heart after meeting. True friends are hard to come by so it’s best to not take them for granted. True friends are not to just have fun with or to get things in return, they allow us to see ourselves from the perspective of another.

A true friend to me is someone who would go to great lengths for me as I would do the same for them. They are to open me up and find out information that I don’t even know about myself. A true friend is to help me and be there for me when I am going through a tough time in my life.

In “Of Mice and Men” George and Lennie would do anything for eachother. George knows everything about Lennie and Lennie would do anything for George. George and Lennie's relationship do lack some qualities of a true friendship. I feel like Lennie doesn’t know when George is going through tough time because Lennie gets so easily distracted that he is oblivious to his surroundings and it affects George because then he can never get his feelings out and they will always be bottled up inside of him.

In society now same-sex friendships are normal but back in the 1930’s it was abnormal when you saw two guys traveling together. Same-sex friendships are important because if you need advice from another girl or guy then they can see the problem from their perspective and try and help you resolve it. Another reason is that some topics you can’t talk with the opposite sex because it may be uncomfortable for that person or for you.

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