Dilma Rousseff By: Brenda Galindo


  • Born December 14, 1947
  • From Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  • Former president of Brazil
  • She was reelected in 2014 but was impeached and removed from office in 2016
  • Became the first female president in Brazil


  • Higher employment
  • Increased employment by creating about 5.4 million new jobs from early 2011 to May 2014
  • Opened thousands of new companies
  • Minimum wage was fixed
  • Increased Brazil's economy, and is now one of the world's largest


Dilma Rousseff falls into the power & authority theme. The reason Rousseff falls into this theme is because this theme is about people who have power over something or the authority to do something. Some examples of people who have power and authority are the president, kings, queens, government, etc. These were just some examples that have to do with this specific theme. Dilma was tied into this theme when she was the president of Brazil because she had power over the country and was trying to make the country better, but she also had authority over what happened. This is how Dilma Rousseff was tied into the theme of power & authority.


  • "I don't fight for my mandate out of vanity or attachment to power, I fight for democracy, for truth, and for justice. I fight for the people of my country and their well-being." I think is saying a lot about what kind of president Rousseff wanted to be for the country. The things she was willing to do for the people in the country. That's why I think this quote shows what kind of president she wanted to be.
  • "I hope the fathers and mothers of little girls will look at them and say, 'Yes, woman can.'" I think this quote says what kind of person she is, it shows that she is a feminist and cares about woman's rights and equality. Just because men are given a specific task that they are supposed to do, that doesn't mean woman can't take on that same type of responsibility. Woman can do everything and anything that men can do, and it is not just a guy thing. That's why I think this quote shows what kind of person Dilma Rousseff is.


  • http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Dilma-Rousseff-A-Strong-Record-of-Social-Achievement-20141231-0021.html
  • Wallenfeldt, Jeff. "Dilma Rousseff (president of Brazil)." Britannica School, 2000. Encyclopedia Britannica.


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